Turbocharge your soil!

What is Ecodust?

What is Ecodust?

Ecodust is a unique mineral fertiliser made from
paramagnetic volcanic rock dust.

It is a blend of 14 ingredients that provides both nutritional and physical benefits. It is non-leaching, completely safe for rivers and waterways and will actually hold onto nutrients and water.

It is designed to be included primarily when planting edible crops and will add to the flavor and mineral density of home grown produce by imparting the nutrients, minerals and trace elements from rock dust and its other ingredients.

Basalt rock dust provides the fresh rock flour with over 60 minerals. The paramagnetism found in this rock dust gives amazing water and nutrient hold ability and increases the cation exchange capacity (CEC) and provides tiny chambers for beneficial microbes to live in.

Rock Phosphate is the organic form of phosphorus and is completely safe for rivers and groundwater. Humalite is almost pure humic acid and provides the carbon needed to stimulate microbes.

There are also small amounts of Dolomite, Lime and Gypsum, Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur. Potassium Sulphate supplies the potassium needed to sustain plant growth and reproduction. Manganese, Zinc, copper and Boron are trace elements needed in tiny amounts but very important for enzyme production in plants.
It is non alkalizing and is designed to be used as a continuous ‘little bit often’ input to improve the nutritive quality of the soil and constantly aid in the building of soil structure.