How to Use EcoDust
Follow the instructions below that applies to your individual requirements:

Existing Lawn: Sprinkle 1 cup of Ecodust per m2 as a top dress and water in well.
Lawn Maintenance: Early Spring and Summer – sprinkle EcoDust as a top dress: 1 -2- cups per m2 and water in well. Ecodust can also be applied as a boost when lawn is looking tired.

Garden Bed
After Planting: Water in well. This kick-starts early root growth and establish a robust plant. To promote growth, water with fertilizer 1 week after planting.

After Planting: Water in well. To promote growth, water plants with fertilizer 1 week after planting (or 1 week after seeds have sprouted).

Seeds & Seedlings
Planting from Seed: Sprinkle generous pinches of EcoDust into the seed furrow prior to sowing. When seeds start to sprout, dust with EcoDust and water in well. Top dress with Ecodust as per instructions.

Fruit Trees
Planting New
Before Planting: incorporate 2 heaped cups into hole with quality compost. Once planted, water in well and mulch.
Side Dressing: When tree produces first shoots, apply EcoDust around sides and base, and water in well. For additional mineral and nutrient boost to fruit, apply Ecodust at mid-growth and water in well. A liquid fertilizer can be used at any stage of planting alongside EcoDust.
Use 3 heaped cups per m2. Spread Ecodust evenly over entire root zone, on top of soil or mulch and water in well with good liquid fertilizer. Ecodust can be used all year round, however early Spring and Autumn are optimal times for use. Citrus trees may require more applications during growing season

Planting New: Before Planting, incorporate 1-2 cups into hole with quality compost. Existing: Use 1-2 cups per m2 (1 cup for schrubs). Spread Ecodust evenly over entire root zone, on top of the soil and water in well with good liquid fertilizer. Ecodust can be used all year round, however early Spring and Autumn are optimal times for use.